Ache-boarding (not snowboarding)


I tried snowboarding today in Shanghai. Man, it was the "Ride of my Life".

I should have try this during the golden holidays in October (or at least come physically prepared). After 1 session of this, I certainly need 3-4 days to recover. Right now, I am lying on my bed – having all sorts of "never-experience-before" achings in my life. Honestly, I dun even know which part of my body is aching now. It seems like every part…including my balls! Eeeeeeeeouch.

It is one of those things that I should have never underestimated.. It is one of those things that looks so stupidly simple but terribly not. To me, it was more of body-breaking+aching than anything else. (Yes, it is a sign to remind me to do my regular exercise. My body just cannot handle those bumps and knocks). I fell at least 15 times today!

Despite all these sufferings, we endured and snowboard for 3 hours. Good thing they built an escalator to bring us up to the top of the slope (so we don’t have to walk). Leilie and Tracy were such great sports. They kept my spirit high, kept encouraging me. I think they know I cannot tahan another fall anymore. It is not just the pain…. It was also about getting up. Man, it was really difficult getting up on your 2 feet on that slippery terrain. Seriously, it is not easy for a 1st-timer.

Haaa.. will I be back? Yes, cos’ it is so cool to snowboard. But it is just not cool not able to stand up after a fall. (Once I fell, it’s as good that I am "game-over". You see me sitting there still on the slope.)

The girls suggested I start doing some sit-ups now (before our next visit). Yes, I certainly need stomach muscles.

Right…I just want to sleep still. Must sleep like a log cos’ any turn will be painful.

(p/s: With all these pain, I am going to board a plane to Hong Kong in 6-hour time… Hope it isn’t bumpy ride.)

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